
Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Apprentice Season Finale is Up with Part Two?

There might be a reason behind for all of this because recently, we heard a few rumors around in regards with the decision of Donald Trump but somehow, Liza Minnelli make her own demands. She is the final woman among the contestant to remain on the last spots but has been kick off recently because of her attitude problem as noted by celebrity gossip sites. Although for now, we cannot totally confirm the actual reason why they need to put him out of the game.

But guess what, Liza Minnelli is one of those contestant who return for the final task in The Apprentice Season 6. We've been surprised before as we follow the NBC show but now, a new story rounded up because of another issue coupled on the season finale of the show. Try to check some more soon as we continue to bring you the highlights of The Apprentice Season 6 after of this break.

Post Title The Apprentice Season Finale is Up with Part Two?

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